The University of Cordoba proposes and analyses the operation of an energy storage system based on a cylindrical tank immersed in water that is capable of storing and releasing energy in response to the market

The University of Córdoba is participating in the creation of the first database that harmonizes the recording of disturbances caused by insects and diseases in forests in 8 European countries by combining remote sensing, satellite images and field data

The University of Cordoba is participating, together with IMIBIC and the Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, in a national study that analyzes the evolution, between 2017 and 2022, of the antibiotic resistance of a bacterium associated with high mortality rates

A study in mice conducted by the University of Cordoba proves that exposure to contaminating mixtures of metals and drug residue increases damage to health, and evaluates the positive effects of a diet enriched in selenium to reduce this harm

A team from the University of Cordoba has designed a model, based on fuzzy logic, that predicts the performance of online education students, dividing them into 4 categories and helping professors give more personalized assistance to each student, tailored to their situations

After a four-year study of Andalusia’s different olive growing regions, a University of Cordoba study concludes that the use of ground cover, in addition to reducing erosion and runoff, slows the loss of organic carbon in soil, outperforming tillage.

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