Visual Seveif software measures the economic impact of a fire, taking into account both material resources and their utility for leisure and recreation, the landscape's value and, now, carbon fixation

A research group has developed an analytical methodology to go along with sensory tasting and is working towards putting it into effect at businesses

The LIFE + ClimAgri project promotes a set of sound agricultural practices to mitigate and adapt to the effects of global warming

The ReprObesity project identifies some molecules involved in hypogonadism, a disorder associated with, among other conditions, excess weight affecting the sex glands
Martes, 07 Mayo 2019 10:33

Dehesa health starts from the ground up

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University of Cordoba research analyzes how changes in the structure of soil microbiota affect holm oak decline

The results are slated for transfer to public administrations to support decisionmaking
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