Page 116 - New Trends in Green Construction
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Energy Sources and Renewable Energy
theoretical flow demanded was 65 l s , excluding zero, ensuring its operation when the farmer
irrigates. The number of working hours estimated was over 3,000, always working under best efficiency conditions, and generating more than 12 MWh. The diesel generator emissions, considering 2,6 kg eCO2 l-1 (MITECO, 2018) of diesel, amount to 9.6 t eCO2 that will be completely avoided using the proposed solution. The payback period estimated was five years. The construction of this plant will take place during March and April of the current year.
MHP is a potentially viable solution for improving the energy efficiency on the irrigation sector. Its usage at farm level to replace diesel generators seems to be a technically and economically effective way to, partially or completely, avoid GHG and air pollution emissions without interrupting irrigation activity. Future research will use the results of this experimental plant to investigate the long-term performance of MHP technology in this setting.
4. Acknowledgment
This research is partially funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme 2014–2020, as part of the REDAWN project (Reducing the Energy Dependency in the Atlantic Area from Water Networks) and the AGL2017-82927-C3-1- R Project (funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness).
5. References
Directorate-General for Energy of the European Commision (2019), Statistical pocketbook 2018, pp 73.
IDEA (2019), Balance del consumo de energía final 2016.
Lydon, T., Coughlan, P., McNabola, A. (2017), Pressure management and energy recovery in water distribution networks: Development of design and selection methodologies using three pump-as-turbine case studies. Ren. Energ. 114, pp 1038-1050.
Crespo Chacon, M., Rodriguez Diaz, J.A., Garcia Morillo, J., McNabola, A. (2019), Pump-as-Turbine Selection Methodology for Energy Recovery in Irrigation Networks: Minimising the Payback Period. Water. 11 (149), pp 1-20.
MITECO (2018), Factores de emisión: Registro de huella de carbón, compensación y proyectos de absorción de dióxido de carbono.

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