Page 170 - New Trends in Green Construction
P. 170

Clean Environment
  3. Results and conclusions
Figure 1. Main indoor air pollutants
This work presents the advantages of using low-cost equipment for the prevention of indoor air quality risk by different parameters continuous monitoring, as well as its comparison with the maximum and typical values given by international standards. Indoor air quality levels are clearly seen before and after changes in ventilation systems.
4. References
European Environment Agency. Environment and health (2005), EEA report No 10/2005. Instituto de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (2010) NTP 243: Ambientes cerrados: calidad del aire.
Viegi G, Simoni M, Scognamiglio A, Baldacci S, Pistelli F, Carrozzi L, (2004), Indoor air pollution and airway disease. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis; Dec; 8(12):1401-1415.
Guidelines for indoor air quality: Selected pollutants (2010), World Health Organization. Copenhaguen.
Air quality guidelines for Europe (2012), World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. Copenhagen.

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