Page 62 - New Trends in Green Construction
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Circular Economy
 • The pH value of the leachant affects directly anion and cation releases’ behaviour;
• Some common critical compounds of recycled concrete aggregates are sulphate, chromium, antimony and selenium. On the other hand, cadmium, mercury and lead usually present lower concentrations relative to their critical values.
Taking into account leaching tests currently used in RCA, it is important to define the purpose of the intended study prior to the definition of the test to be applied.
3. Acknowledgements
Authors are grateful for CERIS-ICIST’s support and that of Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa. This work is financed by national funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., with scholarship PD/BD/135258/2017.
4. References
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