PROJECT TAO | The drive to create a biodiversity observatory in the Tropical Andes
Escrito por UCC+iProject TAO seeks to create an infrastructure network, based on the action of local entities, to monitor the biodiversity in the Tropical Andes
Water consumption for trees is calculated in order to design precision irrigation systems
Escrito por UCC+iA University of Cordoba and Spanish National Research Council research team validated an indicator based on using a tree's temperature to calculate relative water consumption at an almond tree plantation
LiveAdapt, a project led by UCO to adapt extensive livestock farming to climate change
Escrito por UCC+iThe international project seeks to find new strategies based on innovative technology and practices that permit adaptation in this sector that, in addition to suffering from the consequences of climate change, is one of the keys to its mitigation
The fight against haemorrhagic disease to protect rabbits in the Mediterranean basin
Escrito por UCC+iProject LAGMED monitors the haemorrhagic disease in rabbits and characterizes circulating virus strains in order to contain future outbreaks
LIVING SOILS PROJECT | Five countries unite to curb the deterioration of farming soil
Escrito por UCC+iProject Living Soils will create a collaborative network to exchange and spread good practices in agriculture in order to conserve soil
MED-BERRY PROJECT |New, sustainable strategies to protect strawberry farming in the Mediterranean region
Escrito por UCCiThe European project called MED-BERRY looks into new biofungicides and genetic improvement technology in order to defend strawberries against attacks from pathogens