Page 109 - New Trends in Green Construction
P. 109

José Antonio Romero-Odero,; Carmen Galán-Marín, Carlos Rivera-Gómez
Keywords: Outdoor and indoor air temperature; Atrium monitoring; Adaptive thermal comfort; Building energysavings;Freerunningbuildings.
1. Introduction.
The process of climate change has increased the planet´s temperature, especially in locations with warm climates, an example of which can be found in the abnormal temperatures in the cities of Córdoba and Seville in July 2018 reaching 44.3oC. In this scenario, the educational centers
in Andalusia, mostly built during the 20th century, are unable to r e a c h the thermal comfort situation inside alongside the year without resorting to mechanical air conditioning procedures. In someofthesebuildingsitispossibletoreachvery hightemperaturesinsidetheclassroomsinthe hottest months of the year.
2. Materials and methods.
This paper proposes the indoor, outdoor and transitional spaces simultaneous monitoring of a case study to verify the effectiveness of the passive cooling systems and the thermal envelope effectiveness of the building. Field monitoring campaigns are proposed in three periods, according to three main thermal ranges: winter, summer and intermediate seasons.
In addition, the study proposes the users’ thermal comfort perception analysis, considering the adaptive comfort methodology. For this purpose, surveys have been conducted, and their results have been compared with the thermal monitoring data in order to establish the refurbishment recommendations regarding the current design and the potential building improvement proposals.
3. Results and conclusions.
The selected case study is “IES Murillo” (Seville). At this moment, the winter monitoring campaign has been done, and it is possible to observe the building thermal performance with medium / cold temperatures. The Atrium space turns out to be energy accumulators that help to regulate the temperature during the course of the day, inside the building. So, the tempering function of these transitional spaces is demonstrated.
On the other hand, this study can prove that the classroom inside temperature are influenced by the orientation and their opening direction (to atrium or to outside). Finally, the last floor classrooms happen to be the ones with higher temperature increase.
New Trends in Green Construction

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