Page 129 - New Trends in Green Construction
P. 129

José Adolfo Lozano, Diego Carou, Gustavo Medina, Alberto García
Keywords: Life Cycle Assessment, biomass, building, renewable energy, environmental impact 1. Introduction
According to the data provided by the Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDAE), the main part of the energy consumption produced in tertiary buildings is due to air conditioning. Thus, the energy consumption of heat production systems represents 60% of the total (IDAE, 2016).
Biomass, i n c l u d i n g urban solid waste, biomass, biogas, and biofuels, accounts for most of the primary consumption of renewable energy in Spain, although its contribution has decreased since the 1990s (IDAE, 2016). The use of biomass as combustible material has a series of advantages associated with the nature of the material, but the use of the mentioned fuel must be analyzed from a life cycle point of view. That is, its environmental impact must be analyzed throughout the life of the material.
This paper shows the application of the EPS 2000 life cycle analysis methodology using SimaPro software for the study of the environmental impact of a biomass boiler located in a tertiary building.
2. Materials and methods
For the present work a boiler of biomass of pellets of the DOMUSA brand, model BioClass HM model, composed of a main body, where the burner, the expansion vessel, the recirculation pump, an accumulator for hot water and a fuel storage silo are located.
To carry out the study, it is necessary to carry out an initial analysis stage that will allow us to obtain the appropriate information to be able to develop the analysis through SimaPro software and, finally, obtain the environmental impact analysis (Figure 1).
Initially, it is necessary to study the life cycle of the boiler, studying all the linked stages, from the processing of the raw material to the dismantling. Similarly, the life cycle of the fuel (pellets) is studied as it is a fundamental element of the system. Subsequently, an inventory is made describing and quantifying each of the individual components of the system: raw material, energy, transportation, garbage and emissions to the atmosphere. Additionally, it will be necessary to have an energy consumption estimate during the life cycle (estimated 10 years). By using the Regulation of Thermal Installations of Buildings (RITE, 1988), a consumption of 0.4167 TJ is estimated.
With the previous study it is possible to perform the life cycle assessment through the EPS 2000 methodology (Environmental Priority Strategies) (Steen B. 1999a, 1999b).
New Trends in Green Construction

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