Page 179 - New Trends in Green Construction
P. 179

Katarzyna Gładyszewska-Fiedoruk
Keywords: Humidity, Temperature, Noise, Conference rooms 1. Introduction
Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor present in air expressed as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation at the same temperature. During air parameters tests relative humidity is always used. The level of humidity inside the room is determined by the emission of water vapor connected with human metabolism, the humidity transported with the ventilation air stream, the diffusion, its accumulation in materials or processes in the rooms etc. The relative humidity in most rooms, like conference rooms should be in the range between 40 and 60% (PN- EN 13779).
Room temperature can be defined as the normal temperature of a room like a conference room in which people live. Room temperature is defined as a comfortable indoor temperature typically 20 to 23°C; neither heated nor chilled (PN-EN 13779; ASHRAE Standard 62-1989; WHO 2000). An exampleofroomtemperatureisthetemperatureofacupofwaterthathasbeensitting in a room for an hour.
The noise is the loud, confused, or senseless shouting or outcry the noise of the rioters, any sound that is undesired or interferes with one's hearing of something. Noise causes irritability, fatigue and fatigue of the whole body, especially hearing (Ayr et al., 2001). The noise has a negative effect on the human condition and the human health. The most commonly used measure of noise is the sound level expressed in dB (Jachimowicz & Gładyszewska- Fiedoruk; 2017). The noise in a conference room in Polish and European standards is 40 dB (PN- 87/B-02151/02; PN-B-02151-4:2015-06).
2. Materials and methods
The research was conducted in a conference room located in Białystok, North-Eastern Poland. Research was devoted to issues related to the air parameters and noise in a conference room during the proceedings. The research included the relative humidity, the temperature and the noise.
Intheanalyzedconferenceroom(fig.1),onlycentralheatingapplianceswereinstalledfrom HVAC systems.TheHVACsystemiscontrolledbythermostaticvalves.Themetersareplaced ataheight of about 90 cm from the floor. It was assumed that this is the height on which the head of the participant is located. The meters are located at a distance from people (about 2 m) to avoid reflection or absorption. The measurements were performed using a Testo 435-4 equipped with an IAQ probe and for measurement of sound were using Testo 815 0563 8155.
New Trends in Green Construction

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