Page 180 - New Trends in Green Construction
P. 180

Clean Environment
    Figure 1. Analyzed conference room Figure 2. Noise in analyzed conference room
3. Results and conclusions
In the conference room, indoor air temperature was recorded in the range from 19.1oC to 20.9oC. Relative humidity was in range 39.9% to 44.3%. Noise level was even 70 dB (fig. 2).
During the deliberations in the room the temperature was too low. Relative humidity was in accordance with guidelines (PN-EN 13779).
Proper noise level is very important because noise also has a very negative impact on the the people’s health and fitness.
4. Acknowledgment
This scientific project was financed within the project VIPSKILLS (Virtual and Intensive Course Developing Practical Skills of Future Engineers) program of Erasmus+ (KA203).
5. References
ASHRAE Standard 62-1989, Ventilation for acceptable Indoor Air Quality, Atlanta (1989)
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JachimowiczS.,Gładyszewska-FiedorukK.(2017)Thenoiseproducedbytheairhandling unitsdependingonthe type of engine, Article number enviro.2017.020; DOI:
PN-EN 13779 (2008) Ventilation of residential buildings. Requirements for the properties of ventilation and air conditioning
PN-87/B-02151/02 (1987), Building acoustics. Noise protection facilities by weight of buildings. Allowable values sound level indoors (In Polish)
PN-B-02151-4:2015-06 (2015), Building acoustics. Protection against noise in buildings. Part 4: Requirements concerning the conditions of reverberation and speech intelligibility in spaces and research guidelines (In Polish)
WHO (2000) Air Quality Guidelines for Europe, Second Edition, WHO Regional Office for Europe Copenhagen, European Series, No. 91

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