
Encuentro con Marjorie Agosín

20230509 marjorie agosinEl próximo martes 16 de mayo, en el aula XII, de 9:00 a 11:00, tendremos un encuentro con Marjorie Agosín, profesora invitada del Programa Preshco. El título de su charla será "Poetry, Peace, and Justice: the case of America". Hará una lectura de sus poemas y los analizará en relación con la cuestión de los derechos humanos en América.

Marjorie Agosin was born in Chile and began writing poetry as a child. After moving to the United States, she continued writing in both Spanish and English.

Agosín is the author of numerous poetry collections, including At the Threshold of Memory: New & Selected Poems (White Pine Press, 2003); Toward the Splendid City (Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe, 1994), winner of the 1995 Latino Literature Prize; and Sargasso (White Pine Press, 1993). Isabel Allende writes, "Agosín's poetic language engages the reader in a mesmerizing journey of inward reflection and exile".

Agosín, who writes primarily in Spanish, frequently invokes themes of displacement and immigration in her poetry. In an interview with Blackbird, she says, "I feel that I don't belong. I feel like a stranger, which is very good for a poet, to feel like a stranger".

Agosín is also the author of several works of prose, including A Cross and a Star: Memoirs of a Jewish Girl in Chile (University of New Mexico Press, 1995) and I Lived on Butterfly Hill (Atheneum Books, 2015), winner of the 2015 International Latino Book Award in young adult fiction.

A human rights activist, Agosín is known for her work promoting social justice and feminism. In 1998, she received a United Nations Leadership Award for Human Rights, and in 2002, she was awarded the Gabriela Mistral Award for Life Achievement by the Chilean government. A recipient of Spain's prestigious Letras de Oro prize, Agosín is a professor of Spanish at Wellesley College. She lives in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Dónde estamos

Información de contacto:

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Plaza Cardenal Salazar 3
14071, Córdoba

Teléfono: (+34) 957 21 84 27