Page 94 - New Trends in Green Construction
P. 94

Energy Efficient Building
 importance of the advantage of a particular alternative can be estimated. It is interesting to note that this method allows the comparison results to be visually displayed.
As part of the article analysis, the criteria affecting green roof design was carefully defined and organized into six categories: storm water, energy, acoustics, structure, compliance, and cost. The framework by itself can be considered a navigable path through the decision-making process. From the perspective of DSS development, main criteria for green roofing defined by authors has considerable potential to be developed further in the form of computer-based DSS, especially in the category of Expert Systems (ES).
Theoretical analysis and defined criteria made by authors has considerable potential to be developed further in the form of an ES for solving green roof design problems, because it fulfills the four features of ES suggested by Turban et al. (Turban, Aronso, Liang, & Sharda, 2007) At the end of article the four features of ES that include expertise, symbolic reasoning, deep knowledge, and self-knowledge are analyzed.
3. Results and conclusions
Defining the main criteria for upcoming DSS for green roofing is based on a decision-making framework developed by Elizabeth J. Grant (2007).
The criteria affecting green roof design was carefully defined and organized into six categories: storm water, energy, acoustics, structure, compliance, and cost. The framework by itself can be considered a navigable path through the decision-making process.
From the perspective of DSS development, the main criteria for green roofing defined by authors has considerable potential to be further developed in the form of computer-based DSS, especially in the category of Expert Systems (ES).
4. References
Charoenvisal, K. (2013). A BIM Interoperable Web-Based DSS for Vegetated Roofing System Selection. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg: University Libraries.
Grant, E. (2007). A Decision-Making Framework for Vegetated Roofing System Selection. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg: University Libraries. Paimta 2019 m. March 01 d. iš
Suhr, J. (1999). The choosing by advantages decisionmaking system. Westport: Quorum.
Turban, E., Aronso, J., Liang, T.-P., & Sharda, R. (2007). Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (8th
leid.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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